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Pulmonary Rehabilitation At Home

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program designed to support patients with chronic respiratory diseases. It helps to rebuild strength, scale back symptom severity, and thereby improve the standard of life. Our program is designed in such a way that you might feel better about yourself and will be able to cope with the challenges associated with lung diseases but at the same time revitalize and get back to doing the things that you enjoyed the most.

How does pulmonary rehabilitation help me?

Pulmonary rehabilitation includes a series of comprehensive activities that are tailored in such a way as to cater to the needs of every individual. The prime aim is the enhancement of respiratory function, improving participation in daily chores and thereby improving the quality of life. Exercise is the key to PR programs as it helps the lungs, muscles, and heart work better. Apart from breathing exercises that help strengthen the breathing muscles, PR focuses on building endurance and staying active as well. Strength training using profuse devices can aid in building the strength of your lungs and clear secretions.

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Who can benefit?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is apt for persons with respiratory conditions and for whom the probability to stay active is being inflicted by breathing difficulty. PR can benefit people with long-term lung conditions like COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema and chronic bronchitis), Interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, need a lung transplant, Neuromuscular disease, Pulmonary fibrosis, Pulmonary hypertension, and Respiratory Failure.

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Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation

The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation are numerous.

You might not have to commute to the hospital quite often.
Reduce breathlessness and fatigue
Improve oxygen saturation, lung function, and stamina
Adds to the quality of life and life expectancy
Increase in overall exercise tolerance
Helps to foster independence of daily living
Reduce Exacerbations
Relieve Symptoms

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About the program

The program is designed in such a way as to restrengthen the muscles for breathing and moving. Chronic lung conditions can cause the muscles to become weak. The methods and activities might include exercise training, health education, and breathing techniques. Pulmonary rehabilitation at home provides you with the opportunity to learn physical therapy or breathing exercises to do at home. The program also includes psychological counseling to cater to the needs of people who experience depression, anxiety, and other emotional problems. Individual or support groups can offer you training in stress management which will enable you to feel more confident to manage your symptoms and set realistic goals.

What are the symptoms of pulmonary diseases?

At the onset of the disease, the symptoms might not be too apparent but as it gets worse the following symptoms might be noticed

Chronic bronchitis
Shortness of breath during physical activity and at rest
Refractory asthma or wheezing
Tightness in your chest
Low energy
Frequent cough, cold, and flu
Swollen feet, ankles, or legs
Weight loss

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What are the causes of pulmonary diseases?

Several causes contribute to pulmonary diseases. The most prominent causes include:

Staying in a polluted environment.
Low immune functioning.
Viral, fungal, or bacterial infections.
Lack of proper development of the lungs before birth.
Adverse climatic conditions.
Extended exposure to smoke, asbestos, and toxic fumes.
Obesity and excessive weight on the stomach and chest.
Neuromuscular disorders
Pulmonary hypertension in the arteries.

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How are pulmonary diseases diagnosed?

The most important step in the treatment of pulmonary diseases is the timely diagnosis which in most cases fails and gets diagnosed only at an advanced stage. If you experience any of the symptoms, it is advisable to seek help and consult your medical practitioner. The signs and symptoms will be reviewed and you might be asked to run several tests to diagnose your condition. The tests may include:

Lung function test
Chest X-ray
CT scan
Arterial blood gas analysis
Laboratory tests

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How are pulmonary diseases treated?

Timely intervention in treatment may help in slowing down the progression of the disease and control the symptoms. Considering several factors like the fundamental causes of the disease, patients' age, and overall health, the lines of treatment are decided.

Bronchodilators: Medicines called bronchodilators are given to help loosen the muscles around the airways. It helps to widen the airways and facilitate better air passage thereby relieving coughing and shortness of breath.

Steroid inhalers: If you struggle taking a proper breath, even after using a long-acting inhaler, then you may go for steroid inhalers that might help in reducing the inflammation in the air passage and reduce lung infections.

Oral medication: Tablets and antibiotics are prescribed to patients whose symptoms are not controlled by inhalers and when there are chances for infection.

How does respiratory therapy help in pulmonary rehabilitation?

It has been widely accepted and proved that Pulmonary rehabilitation Respiratory Therapy is a great solution in managing several types of respiratory disorders. It is vital to manage the disease and its symptoms once you start the treatment for pulmonary diseases. It can be considered as a combination of different strategies, techniques, and methods that can help patients to manage their day-to-day activities efficiently and acquire improved health and quality of life.


Respiratory care aid in achieving the best possible outcome.
It is the best option to regain health and quality of life for people undergoing chronic and acute respiratory disorders.
It facilitates fast healing as it can shorten the recovery time in acute conditions by accelerating the treatment process bringing back the patients to their normal lives.
It helps in improved immune function which expedites the healing process.
It incorporates an individualized care plan for the patients as the needs and treatment process might differ from person to person.
You can regain the lost strength and endurance and get back to doing your daily functions as respiratory therapy provides great relief and support.

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What does pulmonary rehabilitation include?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is designed by considering different aspects namely the cause of your disease, your age, overall health, etc and the PR team works to create a plan that is right for you. The program will guide you on the ways to improve overall health and well-being. It may include the following methods and activities:

Breathing and relaxation techniques: Breathing and relaxation techniques help in improving the quality of breathing by reducing inflammation, opening up the airways longer, and reducing the frequency of your breath. It also helps in increasing the oxygen level.

Exercise training: Your therapist will formulate an exercise plan specific to your health status and symptoms to improve your muscle strength and endurance. It might include resistance training, treadmill, aerobics, weights, etc.

Techniques to save energy: Your therapist will familiarise you with different techniques to save energy in doing the day-to-day activities which consume lots of energy without feeling shortness of breath.
Changing your physical activity habits
Maximizing your energy level
Learning about nutrition, disease processes, respiratory medications, energy conservation techniques, oxygen therapy, and exercise techniques
Participating in exercise reconditioning sessions
Oxygen dosing
Nutritional evaluation and counseling: Since there is a higher chance of weight loss for people with chronic lung conditions, it is imperative that they need proper nutritional evaluation and counseling. Being overweight also can impact the overall health and breathing of patients with lung diseases. Therefore pulmonary rehabilitation programs are designed to avoid weight loss and maintain muscle mass.
Psychological counseling: People with lung diseases may fall into anxiety, stress, or even depression as they might find it difficult to deal with frequent shortness of breath. These are common reactions when faced with a scary situation like breathlessness. These psychological conditions can be tackled by way of counseling, group therapy, or drug treatment. Your therapist will help you cope with the stress, and overcome anxiety and fear thereby creating a positive outlook.
Education about the condition: The pulmonary rehabilitation program includes sessions that make the patient and their families well aware of the nature of the lung disease, the benefits and potential side effects of therapy, proper administration of drugs, etc.

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What Is The Role of A Therapist in Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

A therapist plays a pivotal role in a pulmonary rehabilitation program.


Your therapist will evaluate the current health of the patient so as to track the improvement during the rehabilitation.

He/she will then design a specific treatment plan based on the condition of the patient to build endurance and muscle strength. Since the plan is tailored considering the specific needs of the patients, it ensures quick healing.

Consistency is the key to the achievement of the best outcomes and your therapists will ensure that you maintain the treatment protocols without fail so as to acquire fast recovery.

Apart from designing the treatment methods, your therapist will assist you with proper nutritional evaluation and psychological counseling.

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How Can Breath Care Help You?

Breathcare provides result-oriented, comprehensive, and unique healthcare solutions for people going through different lung conditions. Our prime focus is in-home care pulmonary rehabilitation.

At breath care, you can expect the most reliable, trustworthy, and professional services.

We cater to the needs of the patients by providing effective and quick healing by our team of exp 24-hour nurse care at home.

Our team of experts is trained in providing supplemental oxygen, noninvasive mechanical ventilation, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, resistive training, exercise training, and other latest techniques to help you with your recovery and better quality of life.

You can be consistent with your rehabilitation plan by availing of our services.

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Partner Hospitals

Breath Care works with leading hospitals, experienced doctors, nurses, diagnostic centers and others to improve health outcomes for patients as well as profitability for our partners.